Unofficial BMW E24 website



Unofficial BMW E24 website

Unofficial BMW E24 website


BMW history, the big coupes tradition and conception of a 6-Series coupe.

Model Evolution

The year-by-year 6-Series model evolution. Photogallery, exterior and interior colors and modifications.

Technical Information

The full 6-Series technical information. VIN-ranges, production numbers, perfomance information.

Engine & Chassis

Engine and suspension details. Technical information, power and torque curves.

Interior & Exterior Colors

Year-by-year color scheme details. Body color and upholstery list and numbers. See also the 6-Series color gallery.

Photo Gallery

The huge 6-Series photo collection. There's also a BMW coupe history section. E24 art-cars, racing, Alpina and other modifications. And also the interior and exterior details gallery.

Meetings & Sharkfests

Meetings, sharkfests and other E24 arrangements.